Color and light design in a public urban space
The interdisciplinary research field of color and light involves art, design, architecture, information technology, physics, medicine, cognitive science and psychology. There are also a number industrial research and development issues of the subject such as light sources, armatures and colour pigments.
In this research project we will make use of a practice-based research methodology developed for the art and design field. Central to the project is a specific site in a suburb of Stockholm, Fittja in Botkyrka, where research processes will be developed and realized, and involving interaction with people living in the area.
The practice – based artistic research profile of the project will contribute to a more comprehensive view of the field. Today there is a tendency that questions about colour, light and space are divided in different institutions /organizations and thereby end up in divergent research tradition.
At present there is a discussion going on about incandescent light sources (higher wattage) and how these could be replaced by new light sources (lower wattage).We want to emphasize the importance of visual quality by investigating the interaction between colour and light in public urban spaces, and the possibilities to accommodate colourings to different light sources and take advance of their individual character.
Visual quality doesn’t need to be in conflict with energy - saving activities.
An important aim for the present project is also to investigate how colour and light interaction can be used to improve the experience and function of a public urban space for people living in the area and for visitors.