
A hub to navigate to unexplored regions between art, technology and design.

Photo: The project "Designing Multispecies Menstrual Care" is a Navet small visionary project.

Konstfack is part of the KTH research centre Navet, a centre focusing on art, technology and design. Other partners in Navet are Stockholm University of the Arts and the Royal College of Music. 

The vision of Navet is that Sweden should have a leading position in the intersectional area art, technology and design, with a practical and critical approach that stimulates research, innovation, creativity, and the development of a sustainable society.  

Navet functions as a network with the purpose of initiating new research projects.   The Navet collaboration also makes it possible to share resources like laboratories and equipment across the partner schools.

Since the centre was launched in 2016 ten small visionary projects have been initiated. All projects involves KTH and at least one of the other partner schools. A purpose of the projects is to lead up to bigger grant applications. Konstfack is part of the following small visionary projects:

Read more about Navet on the KTH website