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27-31 January, Konstfack
We explore interdisciplinary practices, discourses and perspectives on artistic research from across the areas of art, craft, design, interior architecture and furniture design, visual communication and teacher education.
Konstfack Research Week 2025
DGS 2025 Friendly reminder: 31 January is the deadline for submissions.
We invite you to contribute to this event in ways that activate philosophy as a practice and center attention on philosophy as a pedagogical act of making sensible and arousing the senses.
Sebastian Gatz Nostalgia dive and interesting look into how technology evolves — Nokia Design Archive is now launched.
15-24 January, The Library, Konstfack
“Our project aims to develop a textile proposal for Konstfack's library consisting of three draperies and four wall-hung textile works. By working with reuse and preservation of older texttile techniques, such as dräll, we want to create a dialogue between tradition and sustainability.”
Weave Away – proposal for textile embellishment in the library
16-22 January, Student Union Gallery, Konstfack
During a six-week period, students from the Bachelor's programmes in Industrial Design, Interior Architecture, and Furniture Design have worked in interdisciplinary teams to explore, conceptualise, and design possible futures onboard an airship for 700 passengers on a 60-hour journey between London and New York.
AIR SHIP – IA23 and ID23
17-21 January, S7 and S8, Konstfack
Exhibition of objects from recycled materials. Each student has chosen a used material and transformed it into a new object, using craft techniques, with the theme "care" in mind.
Re:use Re:flect Re:make
4-8 February, Stockholmsmässan, Älvsjö
The project explores the potential of artistic and functional design to reinvigorate used materials and challenge the principles of functionalism with new expressions, in an attempt to both develop and preserve historical heritage.
The Swedish Green Series - Truls Goldschmidt
4-8 February, Vita havet, Konstfack + Henriksberg + Sergels Torg
We’re showing what eating, design, artistic education and a sustainable future have in common through multiple exhibitions, collaborative dialogues and a seminar day on 5 February.
Konstfack gigs during Stockholm Design Week
Beyond (Design) Frontiers Four students from the master's programmes Design Ecologies and Spatial Design are exhibiting in Prague 13 December 2024 - 4 February 2025.
26 February, at 6:00-7:30 pm, Mötesplats Mariatorget – Stockholms Stadsmission
Toor's figurative paintings—created with a signature palette of greens and soft yellows, applied in brushwork that feels at once expressive and full of movement—capture intimate moments in the lives of imagined young, brown, queer men in contemporary cosmopolitan settings.
Salman Toor
Sebastian Gatz Sebastian Gatz successfully defended his doctoral thesis "Transmundane Architecture: Architectural Control Relationships Through the Lens of More-than-Human Onto-Epistemologies, Degrowth Practices and Occulture", carried out as a collaboration between HDK-Valand (University of Gothenburg) and Konstfack.
Areej Almansory as Layla Al-Attar The film "On Hospitality – Layla Al-Attar and Hotel Al-Rasheed" was filmed in Konstfack's studio and won a prize at Oberhausen International Short Film Festival in May 2024. Since then it has been shown in Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne and at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. Now it has been nominated for a Guldbagge for the year's best short film.
Alumni about Konstfack Some of Konstfack's many alumni tell about their time at and their memories of the school.
Congratulations Dr. Lilja! Petra Lilja successfully defended her doctoral thesis Mineral Matterings: Diffractive Practices of Design, carried out under the Doctoral programme of Art, Technology and Design.
16 May, at 6:00-7:30 pm, Mötesplats Mariatorget – Stockholms Stadsmission
According to Vicuña, social change can occur if we treat consciousness as a form of art and art as a form of transformation. By combining traditional materials and techniques with modern aesthetics, she creates powerful works that engage with notions of time and history, land and fertility, as well as the ritualistic and the sacred.
Cecilia Vicuña
Konstfack Alumni
Konstfack Alumni
Konstfack Alumni is a network including approximately 1800 artists, designers, pedagogues and curators, all of them with a degree from Konstfack.

Updated: 29 November 2024