The research at Konstfack is characterised by the interaction of artistic and practical standpoints with scientific perspectives.

"Tracing common ground of human and lithic bodies" (Petra Lilja & Anette Vaering)
Photo: Benjamin Buch-Andersen
At Konstfack research is conducted within the areas of design, arts, crafts, visual communication and arts and crafts education.
Research environment
Konstfack integrates specialized workshops with a vibrant intellectual atmosphere. This unique environment provides unique conditions for research, and the research at Konstfack combines the practices of making and creating with scientific perspectives.
PhD programme
Konstfack conducts research education on an artistic basis in the subject area of Artistic Practice in Visual, Applied, and Spatial Arts. The institution also hosts doctoral students in the program 'Art, Technology, and Design,' which Konstfack runs in collaboration with KTH. Additionally, Konstfack has doctoral students admitted to HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg, through the research school FoBoS.
Education and Research Strategy