Studying abroad independently

This information is for students at Konstfack who want to study at a university with which Konstfack does not have an exchange agreement and how they can apply independently, as a so called free mover student.

If you want to study at a university with which Konstfack does not have an exchange agreement you can choose to apply on your own. The difference between applying via an exchange agreement and applying independently is that you are responsible for any tuition fees and contacts with the university.

We have provided some information about how to apply independently below.

Where do you want to study?
The first thing you need to think through is where in the world you would like to study. The Swedih Council for Higher Education's website, has general information about studying abroad and links to information about studies in different countries.

Find information about the courses you are interested in
The best place to find information about specific courses is on the university's own website. Apart from information about the course offer you can also find application information there.

Will the courses be recognized in Sweden?
You should make sure that the university that you want to apply to is recognized in Sweden before you make your final decision to apply. You can find a list of recognized universities at The Swedish Council for Higher Education's website.The university must be recognized in Sweden, otherwise you will not be able to transfer the credits you have taken there in Sweden.

If you want to apply for a credit transfer at Konstfack, you have to have it approved by your program at Konstfack.

Contact the university
Once you have found a university that you are interested in, it is a good idea to contact the university directly to receive answers to any questions you might have.

Questions you might want to find out the answers to:
  • How much are the tuition fees?
  • Are there any grants or scholarships that you can pply for to cover the tuition fees?
  • Is it possible to apply for only one semester of studies or do they only offer application for whole study programs?
  • What documents are needed to apply?
  • When is the application deadline?

Be clear about who you are and exaclty what you are interested in when communicating with the university.

Registration during your semester abroad?
You should not be registered as a student at Konstfack during your semester abroad as a free mover student (i.e. if you are not studying abroad via an exchange agreement).

If you are studying at a program at Konstfack you have to apply for an approved leave of studies from the program during the semester you spend abroad to make sure that you are guranteed a place at the program when you return. Students have no automatic right to resume their studies without approved leave of studies. Re-entry can only be granted if there is a vacant study place. That decision is made by each department. It is important that this leave of studies is registered in Ladok, so that you keep your access to Konstfack's intranet and to your Konstfack email account.