
All students studying in Sweden are covered by the personal injury insuranceduring school hours.

Insurance during school hours

All students studying in Sweden are covered by the personal injury insurance (a general student insurance) that is obtained on behalf of universities and colleges within the state insurance system by “Kammarkollegiet”. The insurance applies in Sweden during school hours and during travel to and from the location where school hours are spent. When an incident has occured, you have to contact the International office and fill in a claim report to Kammarkollegiet.

Konstfack strongly recommends all students to have a complete insurance cover to avoid extreme costs that might occur. Carefully consider which level of insurance you need and pay particular attention to the coverage’s restrictions and exclusions.

EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens and the European Health Insurance Card

International and exchange students who are citizens of any of the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland should bring their European Health Insurance Card, issued by the social insurance office in the home country. The card states that you are entitled to health care on the same conditions and at the same price as permanent residents in Sweden. Bring the card whenever you seek medical care.

If you do not obtain a European Health Insurance Card in your home country, you will need to arrange your own insurance coverage to cover costs, as medical care without insurance can be very expensive. However, you always have access to emergency care.

If you will be staying in Sweden for more than a year, you can register with the Swedish Tax Agency. Please note that to be able to obtain a Swedish identity number you need to show that you have comprehensive health insurance. Once you have received your number, you will be entitled to all healthcare and pay Swedish patient fees.

Non-EU/EEA citizens: stays of one year or more

The insurance applies during the education period in accordance with the student registration system, LADOK, and is valid two weeks prior to the start of studies and two weeks after the end of studies. It is also applicable during direct travel between the home country and Sweden.

If you hold a Schengen Visa issued by a Swedish mission abroad the insurance applies 24 hours a day in the Schengen region. If you do not have a Schengen Visa, the insurance is only applicable in Sweden. The insurance is not applicable if you home country for reasons other than studies or work placement as part of your studies/internship experience at Konstfack. For detailed information on what the insurance policy covers see FAS The Swedish State’s Insurance for Fee-Paying Students.

If the duration of your studies is more than one year, you’re entitled to the same health benefits as Swedes after registering with the Swedish Tax Agency in order to receive a personal identity number. Once you’ve received your number, you’ll be entitled to all healthcare and pay Swedish patient fees.

Non-EU/EEA citizens: stays of less than one year

If you have a residence permit valid for a period of less than a year, you will not be able to obtain a personal identity number, which means you will not have automatic access to healthcare.

Sweden has reciprocal agreements for medical benefits with a number of countries. To find out whether your country has such an agreement, contact the social insurance office in your home country. Students from countries with this type of agreement need only present their passport and a certificate from their national social insurance office when seeking medical help. For the reciprocal agreement to apply, the need for medical care must arise during (not prior to) your stay in Sweden.

Students who are not covered by any of these agreements must arrange their own insurance coverage. In Sweden, medical treatment is very expensive without any form of insurance. It is highly recommended to arrange for health insurance from your home country, so that you are covered during your trip to Sweden and as soon as you arrive.

Exchange Students

In addition, all exchange students from universities with which Konstfack has a formal exchange agreement are covered by the Swedish State Insurance for Foreign Students in Sweden (Student-IN). This coverage is restricted to your study period at Konstfack and extends only to claims arising while you are physically present in the country of Sweden. The insurance applies 24-hours a day and includes:

  • Disability and death coverage.
  • Home transport coverage.
  • Liability coverage.
  • Legal expenses coverage.

In some cases, the Student-IN insurance can cover necessary and reasonable costs for emergency medical care or dental care when the insured, during the policy term, suffers illness or in case of an accident. This insurance applies to exchange students who are not citizens of a Nordic country, an EU/EEA Member State, Switzerland or another Convention country regarding medical benefits, or are registered in Sweden and therefore have a Swedish personal identification number or for other reasons pay the same health care fees as people resident in Sweden. This insurance does not apply to the extent the insured may receive compensation from another insurance. For detailed information about the Student-IN insurance, please visit:

Other insurances

Please make sure that you have an insurance coverage from your home country in case of theft e.g.

Please contact the International office