As a student, you can appeal some decisions to the Board of Appeal for Higher Education, (Överklagandenämnden för högskolan), according to (Chapter 12, Section 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance, 1993:100). The right of appeal exists in the areas stated below.
- A decision that an applicant does not meet entry requirements or not being exempted from entry requirements.
- A decision on transfer of credits for courses and study programmes or professional or vocational activities.
- Rejection of a student’s application for exemption from compulsory study components
- Rejection of a student’s request to be issued with a degree or course certificate
- Refusal to allow a student to defer their studies or to continue their studies following a study break.
- A decision to expel a student who has not paid tuition fees (Ordinance (2012:730) on application fees and tuition fees)
You can find more information about appeals, which decisions that can be appealed against, and how to appeal, at the Board of appels for Higher Education's website