At Konstfack, a variety of educational and research activities are concerned with design in the area of healthcare. These inform the theme of the 2011 ID Seminar, and some specific activities are presented here as background for the seminar.
Design inom vård och omsorg
”Design inom vård och omsorg – behov, framtid möjligheter” är en forskningsstudie baserad på intervjuer med personer verksamma inom branscherna vård/ omsorg, hjälpmedel/medicinteknik samt design.
Intervjuerna har utförts under 2010 av fyra (före detta eller nuvarande) elever vid Konstfacks institution för industridesign. Projektet, som har skett med stöd av Kunskapslotsen, avser att inom området vård och omsorg finna luckor för forskning inom industridesign, interaktionsdesign och tjänstedesign.
Rapporten är en analys över branschernas utvecklingsbehov och framtida forskningsmöjligheter och designbehov. Delar av rapporten kommer att presenteras på ID seminariet, arrangerat av Konstfack i januari 2011.
Ladda ner rapporten: Design Inom Vård och Omsorg.pdf (470 kb).
Design in Health Care study
"Design in health care - needs, opportunities for the future" is a research study based on interviews with people working in medical facilities, technology and design in the area of healthcare and social services.
The interviews were conducted in 2010 by four (former or current) students at the Konstfack department of Industrial Design. The study, which has been supported by Kunskapslotsen, surveys the area to identify gaps in industrial design, interaction design and service design and research.
The study results in a report that analyzes industrial development as well as future research opportunities and design needs. Parts of the report will be presented at the 2011 ID Seminar at Konstfack.
Download the study (in swedish): Design Inom Vård och Omsorg.pdf (470 kb).
Video Interviews
Watch this space! Soon will be uploaded video interviews with professionals and researchers in the field, which will be materials used in the 2011 ID seminar.
Related projects
Soon will be uploaded a list of some of the other projects and activities in this area at Konstfack.