15 february: Higher seminar in Rethinking research practices in Art, Technology and Design

It’s time for the next higher seminar , which will take place February 15, 2-4.30pm at Konstfack (room: S7) with artist and PhD-candidate Luis Berríos-Negrón. He will discuss colonial memory and how he contends with it as an embedded force of environmental form in his sculpture and installation work. Berríos-Negrón takes the philosopher Bernard Stiegler’s ideas of “the externalization of memory” as a point of departure and explores them through significant case-studies dealing primarily with the “greenhouse” as technological object of science and of display.

Berríos-Negrón’s doctoral work is concerned with the manifold condition of “greenhouse” - as gas, effect, technique, etc. - and how this suggests an unforeseen “superstructure”. By reflecting upon this condition, he works towards exploring how the colonial forms of this manifold are often unrecognisable, and thus asks what, or whom, may in turn reveal them?

Luis Berríos-Negrón is an artist and a PhD Candidate at Konstfack. Berríos-Negrón’s work has been exhibited widely, including the 3rd Biennial of Art of Bahia in Brazil (2014), São Paulo International Biennial for Architecture (2013), in Paul Ryan's “Threeing” project at Documenta13, and in Ute Meta Bauer’s “Future Archive” at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, (2012.)

Prior to the seminar Berríos-Negrón asks you to engage with the following texts:

A brief report on the dematerialisation and rematerialisation of spacetime: Anarchives, Site-Specific Greenhouse Superstructures,and Social (Hyperobjective) Pedestals.

This text will be distributed by petra.bauer@konstfack.se

Stiegler and Derrida: The Technical History of Memory - http://bluelabyrinths.com/2015/03/24/grammatisation-the-technical-history-of-memory/

The essay Greenhouse Chronotope by Caroline A. Jones (English translation found in pgs.34-37) - http://www.luisberriosnegron.org/14_LBN+BB3_NSXIII-TearDoTerreiro.pdf


We have a limited number of places, so please send an email to petra.bauer@konstfack.se if you want to participate.

The higher seminar series aim to provide a platform for a continuous and dynamic exchange on matters pertaining to research within Konstfack at large – senior researchers, faculty, practitioners, doctoral candidates and students – as well as with students, researchers and practitioners in affiliated fields and institutions. The higher seminar series is open to the public.

By “higher seminar” we refer to a format where an invited seminar presenter, such as doctoral candidates, researchers and other experts, provides material(s) in advance, which should be carefully reviewed by participants before each specific seminar session. The seminar is focused on a critical encounter and discussion on the provided material(s).