An announcement of the defence of the thesis, also known as spikning (“nailing”), is to be made by making the thesis available in the Konstfack publication database DiVA no later than three weeks prior to the defence. The doctoral student should register the thesis and upload a full-text file no later than four weeks prior to the defence, whereafter the library will review and publish the DiVA record. The library will create a so called spikblad (“nailing sheet”) based on the information registered in DiVA. The spikblad will then be uploaded to DiVA by the library.
- Check if any appended papers are registered in DiVA by searching DiVA. Appended papers missing from DiVA should be registered according to the instructions found on the library website regarding registering publications and artistic works in DiVA.
- Log in to DiVA.
- Choose “Add publication / Upload file”.
- Choose “Doctoral thesis, monograph” or “Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary”, depending on whether you have written a monograph (a coherent, previously unpublished text) or a compilation thesis (an introductory chapter followed by previously published papers).
- If you have selected “Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary” you begin by searching for your appended papers in the search box “Search paper in DiVA”. Tick your papers and click “Add”. When all of your appended papers have been added you make sure that they appear in the correct order using the arrows to left of the list. Then click “Continue”.
- Fill in the registration form. The following fields are mandatory:
- Last name
- First name
- ORCID-id (read more about ORCID-id and how to acquire one)
- Department, unit or programme
- E-mail
- Title
- Content category (tick ”Artistic work” if you are registering a thesis on artistic basis)
- Other information (Year, Number of pages)
- Series
- Publisher
- National subject category
- Keywords
- Abstract
- Supervisor (add more supervisors by clicking “Another supervisor)
- Opponent
- Presentation
- Click “Continue”
- On the next page you upload a pdf with the final version of the thesis. If you have written a compilation thesis you should upload the comprehensive summary (“kappan”). The appended papers should be registered with individual records and linked to the record for the thesis, as described above. If the publishers allow you to publish the full-texts for the appended papers you can upload them to the individual records. Check what rules apply for different journals and publishers using Sherpa Romeo, or contact the library for guidance.
- In the field “When should the file be made freely available?” you select “Make freely available now (open access)”.
- Under the heading “Type” you select what type of file you are about to upload. For the full-text you select ”fulltext” and ”pdf (application/pdf).
- In the field “Give the file a name” you fill in the text that should constitute the clickable link to the full-text. If this field is left blank the link text “Fulltext” is used.
- Click “Browse”
- Select the file that you want to upload
- Files larger than 1 GB should first be saved on a cloud based storage space, where you can extract a link to the file. This link should then be entered in the filed at bottom of the page, after which you click “Confirm the URL”.
- To upload attachments and other documentation you click “Upload more files” and follow the steps above.
- Read the publishing conditions that you find when you click the link “publishing conditions”, and confirm that you agree to them by ticking the box “I accept the publishing conditions”.
- Click “Continue”
- You will then com to an overview of the information that you have registered. Review this; if anything need to be corrected you go back by clicking “Back”, otherwise you click “Submit”.
Your registration will be visible in the public DiVA interface after it has been reviewed and published by the library. Make sure to register your thesis no later than four weeks prior to your defence, so that the library will have time to make your thesis available in DiVA three weeks in advance.