
My loans

Library card

The library is open to the public. You can apply for a library card on our web page. To get the card you need to show a valid photo ID. The library card must then be signed. If you lose your card, immediately inform the library.

Library rules

Apply for a library card

Borrowing, renewals & returning

You check out material through self-service machine using your library card number or personal identity number as well as your personal, four-digit pin code. You also return material using the self-service machine. If the book is reserved by another library user, you will be notified of this when you return the book and asked to put it in our black reservation cart.

When the library is closed you can return books in the return box outside of the library.

In order to not have to pay a late fee, you must renew the loan before it is due. Renewed loans can be carried out through My profile or at the self-service machine.  You cannot renew a loan of material that someone else has reserved.

4 weeks' loan period for books and journals

1 week's loan period for course literature

Course literature can only be checked out by students and staff at Konstfack. 

Reserving books

You may reserve a book that is on loan. You do this yourself in the catalogue, by logging onto your pages.

My pages

Change of address

You are responsible for ensuring that your name, address, e-mail and telephone number are up to date! Changes can be made through the library website, under My pages.

My paged