Below you will find links to material related to publishing research results and student theses.

DiVA is used for publishing and finding student theses, research publications and artistic research output from Swedish universities.
A a student or employee at Konstfack you register your works in DiVA yourself. Works registered in DiVA will also be searchable in Swepub, Uppsök,, Google and other resources.
Register and publish research publications and artistic output in DiVA
Register and publish student theses in DiVA
Publishing conditions DiVA

Publication list
As an employee at Konstfack you have a profile page on the Konstfack website. There you can easily activate a list of your publications and artistic research output, with information from the Konstfack publication database DiVA.
Activate your publication list

Research Catalogue
The Research Catalogue is a platform for publishing artistic research projects.
More about Research Catalogue

Copyright affects you both when you create something, and when you use something that someone else has created. Read more about copyright on the library website.
More about copyright

ORCID is an international system for identifying researchers. Using an ORCID iD, a specific researcher can be identified even if they change their name or affiliation.
More about ORCID

Open access
Open access-publishing means making research results freely available on the internet. The underlying idea is that publically funded research should be made available to the public.
More about open access