Purchase request

You are welcome to leave purchase requests for books, films, journals and other materials.

Professor Martín Ávila looking at books

General principles for library acquisitions

Acquisition of books is in large part guided by our patrons in the form of purchase suggestions from students, researchers, teachers and other staff. All decisions regarding acquisitions will be made according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance of subject matter in the context of research and education carried out at Konstfack
  • Quality – judged from available material
  • Accessibility – print, electronic, language etc.
  • Economy – use of available financial resources in the most cost-effective way

The above will guide us in deciding whether to purchase certain items, and in some cases decide between a printed publication or an electronic resource

The library's aquisition guidelines are available here (in Swedish).

Leave a purchase request by sending us an email to biblioteket@konstfack.se or fill in the form below.

Vem är du? / Who are you?

Ditt namn / Your name

E-post / E-mail

Inköpsförslag: Titel / Purchase request: Title
Andra upplysningar (t.ex. författare, ISBN, länk) / Other information (e.g. author, ISBN, link)
I prefer to communicate in

Samtycke / Consent
Samtycker du till att Konstfack sparar och behandlar personuppgifter om dig; namn och e-post? Do you agree that Konstfack saves and processes personal data about you; name and email?

Skicka / Send