Research Catalogue
The Research Catalogue is a platform for publishing artistic projects and research on both artistic and scientific grounds.
In Research Catalogue, the research is made visible in the form of so called expositions, where text, images, video and audio can be combined in a presentation or documentation. The expositions are made available either individually by the researcher, or through a portal, where a university or other research organisation displays its research. A portal can also be a place where a journal collects its contents.
The Konstfack portal contains expositions created by Konstfack researchers, for example within a programme for extra research time at work, where teachers and researchers have been able to apply for internal funding in order to carry out a small research project, as well as expositions created in other contexts.
Anyone can register an account on Research Catalogue, free of charge, and create their own expositions. If you work or study at Konstfack you are welcome to contact the library for help with getting started using Research Catalogue.
Research Catalogue
The Konstfack portal
Video turorials
Below you will find a number of video tutorials dealing with different aspects of the Research Catalogue.
Editing your RC profile
Creating a graphic exposition
Using several pages in the same exposition
Creating a text based exposition
Creating a block exposition
Collaborating with others on an exposition
Creating a backup copy of an exposition
Making your exposition visible
Handling media files in the Research Catalogue