16 oktober: Higher seminar in Rethinking research practices in Art, Technology and Design

Datum och tid
16 oktober 2015 kl 13:00 - 16:30

Typ av händelse
Seminarium Plats och färdväg

Magelungsvägen 170
Underground: Högdalen



It’s time for the next higher seminar on October 16, 1–4.30pm at the community centre Cyklopen with architect-activist Akiko Kobayashi who in her practice is focussing on the facilitation of community led development in the built environment. Using design thinking techniques developed from involvement in jams and hacks, she designs ways for communities and groups to explore the potential of their proposals, communicate their vision and gain practical skills.

Akiko Kobayashi is currently based in Edinburgh, but has worked in architectural practice also in London, Sydney and Tokyo for 15 years. As an architect and independent consultant, Akiko Kobayashi has been involved in a variety of collaborations, such as with service designers Snook and collective self build agency Assemble CSB. She has hands-on construction experience, most recently on the Tiree Noust Boathouse and Wikihouse v4.2, and is a certified Passivhaus designer.

Discussant is Hannah Husberg, Doctoral Candidate in Fine Art at the Vienna Art Academy.

Before the seminar Akiko Kobayashi ask you to do some background research on WikiHouse (www.wikihouse.cc), as well as to engage with a WikiHouse manual that will be distributed by petra.bauer@konstfack.se.


We have a limited number of places, so please send an email to petra.bauer@konstfack.se if you want to participate.



Kontaktperson Petra Bauer , petra.bauer@konstfack.se

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