Meet with researchers, faculty members and PhD candidates at Konstfack, and other Swedish and international practitioners. Learn about the basics and infrastructure of research and the Konstfack and KTH Royal Institute of Technology joint doctoral programme 'Art, Technology and Design'. Engage in exercises in materials, decoration, diffraction and intersectionality, and discuss the relations between contemporary art, craft, visual studies and art education, design, interior architecture and visual communication.
The program is divided in two sections: VIEWS ON RESEARCH introduces various aspects of artistic research and highlights different practices and the doctoral programme at Konstfack; the RESEARCH NODES are a set of seven parallel programs with workshops, engaging in questions around essayistic practice, interweaving narratives, the notion of cladding, forms of thought, matter and becoming, love, collectivity and solidarity.
All events below are open to the public unless indicated otherwise. The workshops require pre-registration to krw@konstfack.se and are primarily reserved for year one master's students.
Download digital overview program poster here (PDF)
Download the Program Booklet with detailed information about all events and participants (PDF)
View video documentation from lectures and presentations here.
Konstfack Research week is organized through Konstfack Board of Education and Research (UFN), developed and coordinated by Magnus Bärtås and Magnus Ericson.
Tuesday 30 January
Welcome by Maria Lantz
Location: Svarta Havet
9.15 – 9.45
Introduction by Magnus Bärtås and Magnus Ericson
Location: Svarta Havet
9.45 – 10.15
'Overview of Research in Sweden'
Presentation by Bo Westerlund
Location: Svarta Havet
10.45 – 12.00
'Research Nodes – an Introduction'
Presentations by Johanna Gustavsson Fürst, Magnus Bärtås, Malin Hüber, Michele Masucci, Matt Smith, Pernilla Glaser, Tor Lindstrand and Tina Carlsson
Location: Svarta Havet
13.00– 13.30
'What is (not) research?'
Lecture by Sara Kristoffersson
Location: Svarta Havet
13.30 – 14.15
'Production, perception and the practical knowledge of art'
Lecture by Jonna Lappalainen
Location: Svarta Havet
14.45 – 15.30
'Artistic Research as a Process of Unfolding'
Lecture by Darla Crispin
Location: Svarta Havet
15.30 – 16.15
Panel Discussion
With Sara Kristoffersson, Jonna Lappalainen and Darla Crispin
Moderated by Magnus Bärtås
Location: Svarta Havet
Wednesday 31 January
9.00 – 9.15
'KTD programme: Art, Technology and Design'
Introduction by Johanna Rosenqvist
Location: Svarta Havet
9.15 – 10.00
'The Building as a Body'
Presentation by Jenny Richards
Location: Svarta Havet
10.00 – 10.45
'Designer and Goldcrest'
Presentation by Erik Sandelin
Location: Svarta Havet
11.00 – 12 00
'Visions of the Now'
Lecture performance by Anna Lundh
Location Mandelgren
(parallel sessions)
13.00 – 16.00
'The Spectre and the Metaphor'
Lectures, presentation and panel discussion and with Ectoplasmic Materialism, Vera Knútsdóttir, Annie Lowe and Esther Peeren. Organized by Luis Berríos-Negrón, moderated by Florence Wild
Location: Mandelgren
13.00 – 14.00
'On making theories of practices'
Lecture by Eva Mark
Location: Svarta Havet
14.30 – 15.30
'Talking Tiles'
Lecture by Matthew Raw
Location: Svarta Havet
Thursday 1 February
16.30 – 17.30
'Human rights, forensics, and the claims of the visual'
Lecture by Thomas Keenan
followed by a conversation wit Behzad Khosravi Noori
Location: Svarta Havet
This section consists of lectures and film screenings open to the public. Please note that seating is limited (first come, first served).
Related workshops require pre-registration (the full program with workshops is presented in the Program Booklet, see above).
NODE 1: Plastic Materiality - forms of thought, matter, becoming
Organised by Johanna Gustafsson Fürst together with Loulou Cherinet and Michele Masucci, with guests Päivi Ernkvist, Mathew Gregory, Elisabeth Hjorth and Sophie Vukovic
Thursday 1 February
10.00 – 10.30
Introduction with Loulou Cherinet and Johanna Gustafsson Fürst
Location: Skulpturstudion
10.30 – 11.30
'What to do with our Plasticity?'
Lecture and discussion with Michele Masucci
Location: Skulpturstudion
Friday 2 February
9.00 – 11.00
Film screening and conversation between Sophie Vukovic and Elisabeth Hjorth
Location: S1
13.00 – 13.30
'Plasticity and Sound Art'
Lecture by Mattew Gregory
Location: Skulpturstudion
13.45 – 14.15
'Plasticity and Ceramic processes'
Lecture by Päivi Ernkvist
Location: Skulpturstudion
NODE 2: Film–text(ile)
Organised by Magnus Bärtås with gests Magnus Haglund, Jessica Hemmings, Anne-Marie Tung Hermelin, Behzad Khosravi Noori, Catherine Anyango Grünewald, Anna Lundh, Maria Lantz, Johanna Billing, Loulou Cherinet and Åsa Cederqvist
Thursday 1 February
9.30 – 09.45
Introduction by Magnus Bärtås
Location: Svarta Havet
9.45 –10.45
'Text, fabric, movement'
Lecture by Magnus Haglund
Location: Svarta Havet
11.15– 12.00
'Navigating Failure in Text, Textile & Film'
Lecture by Jessica Hemmings
Location: Svarta Havet
'Screening 1'
Presentations of recent film works by teachers/researchers at Konstfack (with short introductions):
Behzad Khosravi Noori: 'A Film About an Itinerant' (15 min)
Magnus Bärtås: 'The Strangest Stranger' (73 min)
Anna Lundh: 'Front Time Reworkings II' (18 min)
Location: Svarta Havet
Friday 2 February
9.30 – 10.15
'Pilgrimage – text and action in Chris Marker's Sans solei'
Screening and close reading by Magnus Bärtås
Location: Svarta Havet
13.30 – 14.15
'Stitches as script prevailing in the margins'
Lecture by Anne-Marie Tung Hermelin
Location: Svarta Havet
'Screening 2'
Presentations of recent works by teachers/researchers at Konstfack (with short introductions and an artist talk):
Maria Lantz: 'Moon Bracelet'(17 min)
Catherine Anyango Grünewald: 'Live, Moments Ago (The Death of Michael Brown) and Slow Death of a Woman in Aleppo' (2 min)
Johanna Billing: 'Pulheim Jam Session' (22 min)
Loulou Cherinet: 30 min artist talk with a selection of works
Åsa Cederqvist: 'The Cabinet' (30 min)
Location: Svarta Havet
NODE 3: So close, yet so far apart
Organized by Michele Masucci and Malin Hüber with guests Fia Stina Sandlund, Mara Lee and Einat Amir
Thursday 1 February
9.30 – 10.30
'Why Love Works'
Introduction by Michele Masucci
Location: Mandelgren
10:30 – 12.00
'She's staging It'
Screening of the film directed by Fia Stina Sandlund, 2012 (83min).
Location: Mandelgren
Friday 2 February
10:00 – 11.00
'Who is doing the job? Production of meaning and the distribution of labor'
Lecture by Mara Lee
Location: Mandelgren
11.30 – 13.00
'Collapse of compassion'
Lecture by Einat Amir
Location: Mandelgren
NODE 4: Node 4: CLAD: ...(of things) covered
Organised by Matt Smith, with Matthew Raw
Workshop only for pre-registered
NODE 5: Perspectualizing
aka Unpacking perspectives and context in relationship
Organised by Pernilla Glaser, with guests Gunilla Edemo, Saadia Hussain, Martin Avila and Mikael Lindström
Thursday 1 February
14.30 – 16.30
'Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival'
Film screening followed by discussion, moderated by Pernilla Glaser
Location: Mandelgren
NODE 6: Interiors Non-Stop
Organized by Tor Lindstrand with Einar Rodhe
Workshop only for pre-registered
NODE 7: Contemporary Art for Criticality and Meaning Making in School
Organized by Anette Göthlund and Tina Carlsson with guests Lotta Johansson, Jenny Richards, Emily Fahlén, Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris, Emmeli Persson and Lisa Nyberg
Thursday 1 February
9:00 – 9.15
Introduction by Anette Göthlund and Tina Carlsson
Location: S1
9.20 – 10.30
'Challenging the Obvious'
Lecture by Lotta Johansson
Location: S1
11.00 –12.00
'Working with Pedagogical programmes at Art Galleries'
Presentations by Jenny Richards and Emily Fahlén
Location: S1