Konstfack Research Week 2015

Monday 26 January - Friday 30 January 2015

Konstfack Research Week highlights research practices at Konstfack and perspectives on arts, crafts and design research in Sweden and internationally.

Arts, crafts and design have expanded within higher education and as research over the last decades. Opening new perspectives and possibilities, this sheds new light on these fields, as well as relations to other fields of knowledge and practice. The Research Week features examples of on-going research projects, different ways of working, issues, processes and methods in arts, crafts and design research which will be discussed throughout the week with leading researchers from Sweden and elsewhere. The program combines varied formats for highlighting research and engaging with researchers, including project presentations, moderated discussions, 'behind the scenes' experiences, keynotes and tools for students to navigate the week.

Konstfack Research Week 2015 is the first in an annual series.
The program is open to students, faculty and public!

Download digital program booktlet here (PDF)

View video documentation from lectures and presentations here.


Monday 26 January
9.00–10.30 Introduction to Konstfack Research Week 2015 and Views on Research part 1

9:00 Welcome by Maria Lantz
9:15 Introduction and overview by Ramia Mazé and Magnus Ericson
9:45 ‘Tangibilities of Thinking ­ The potentials of hands-on design research’, keynote lecture by Maria Hellström Reimer
10:30 Break

11–12:30 Views on Research part 2 (Please note! For students and Konstfack faculty only.)

11:00 Views on research
Round-table with teachers from Konstfack’s MFA and PhD programs: Petra Bauer, Catharina Gabrielsson, Johanna Lewengard, Agneta Linton and Bo Westerlund, moderator Ramia Mazé
12.00 ‘Introducing Feminist Power Tools’, presentation by Hélène Frichot
12:30 Lunch

Tuesday 27 January
9:00–12.00 Research at Konstfack, part 1, Presentations of ongoing research projects at Konstfack

9.00 Introduction by Magnus Mörck
9.10 Bo Westerlund, ‘Decode and Co-Design’                    
9.30 Anette Göthlund and Ulla Lind, ‘Visual and Performative Ethnography: On Location Stockholm-Johannesburg
9.50 Panel discussion, moderator Håkan Nilsson
10.10 Break
10.40 Christina Zetterlund, ‘Making Community Involvement’
11.00 Frida Hållander: ‘Whose Hand is Doing? On crafts, borders and counter movement’
11.20 Andreas Nobel, ‘A Dimmer Switch on the Enlightenment – Text, form and knowledge’
11.40 Panel discussion, moderator Håkan Nilsson
12.00 Lunch

13:00 – 16:00 Behind the scenes workshops (parallel program - Please note! For students and Konstfack faculty only.) (Please note that you must sign up for workshops in advance. Lists will be posted outside Svarta Havet on Monday Jan 26 – there are limited spaces, first come first serve! See below for workshop venues.)

‘Investigating Arts Space, Consumption Space, Educational Space and Out of Space’, a workshop with Anette Göthlund and Ulla Lind

‘Co-Design’, presentations and discussion with Bo Westerlund

‘Developing a Roman Alphabet Typeface Inspired by Korean Alphabet, Hangul’, a project presentation with Kyuhyung Cho

‘National Typography and the Modernist Death Drive – A survey of Swedish book art and racial hygiene’, a project presentation with Rikard Heberling

Wednesday 28 January
9:00–12.00 Research at Konstfack, part 1, Presentations of ongoing research projects at Konstfack

9.00 Introduction by Ramia Mazé
9.10 Emma Rendel, ‘Working with the Interspaced Narrative – The practice of graphic storytelling’
9.30 Petra Bauer, ‘Film as a Political Act’
9.50 Joanna Rubin Dranger and Moa Matthis, ‘Norm-Critical Visual Communication’
10.10 Panel discussion, moderator Ramia Mazé
10.30 Break
11.00 ‘Artistic Research, Desire and the Knowledge Economy - What would Plato think?’, keynote lecture by Fredrik Svensk
12.00 Lunch

13:00 – 16:00 Behind the scenes workshops (parallel program - Please note! For students and Konstfack faculty only.)(Please note that you must sign up for workshops in advance. Lists will be posted outside Svarta Havet on Monday Jan 26 – there are limited spaces, first come first serve! See below for workshop venues.)

‘Embodied Drawing’, workshop with Emma Rendel

‘Film beyond representational politics – From post-structuralism to the non-human turn’ seminar with Petra Bauer and Fredrik Svensk

‘Crafts and Feminist Counter Movement’, workshop with Frida  Hållander and Olivia Plender

‘Texts Not Necessarily Meant to be Viewed as Art’, a project presentation with Roger von Reybekiel

Please note that you must sign up for workshops in advance. Lists will be posted outside Svarta Havet on Monday Jan 26 – there are limited spaces, first come first serve! See below for workshop venues.

Friday 30 January

12:30 – 16:00 Rethinking research

12:30 Summary, MFA students moderated by Ramia Mazé
13:30 ’The Right to Opacity: Detour and deferral in artistic research’, keynote lecture by Renate Lorentz
14:30 ’The Art of Inquiry: Reflections of an Anthropologist’, keynote lecture by Tim Ingold
15:30 Mingle

More about the Keynote lecturers

Maria Hellström Reimer
‘Tangibilities of Thinking ­ The potentials of hands-on design research’
Keynote lecture, Monday 26 January, 09:45, Svarta Havet

Maria Hellström Reimer is professor in design in theory and practice and the Director of the national Swedish Faculty for Design Research and Research Education. ”Central to my research is the situating of design practice in a wider cultural context of artistic experimentation and critical reflection. Design research should not only engage in the interpretation and evaluation of artefacts and environments. It should also actively challenge and expand the material and social conditions for design practice. At present, I am coordinating and participating in a number of interdisciplinary research projects within the fields of design, architecture, visual and urban studies."

Fredrik Svensk
‘Artistic Research, Desire and the Knowledge Economy - What would Plato think?’
Keynote lecture, Wednesday 28 January, 11.00, Mandelgren

Fredrik Svensk is active as a writer, critic, educator, editor and curator. Lecturer in Art Theory, Editor-in-chief of Paletten Art Journal. Critic at Kunstkritikk.com and Aftonbladet, and member the research collective OTCOP. In his research and teaching he is specialized on the biopolitics of art. In his teaching at Valand focus on the intersection between artistic research and practice, history of aesthetics and art, continental philosophy; and critical perspectives on art and society such as queer feminist, post-colonial, marxist theory, institutional critique and non-anthropocentrism. Co-translater of Gilles Deleuze's Différence et Répétition.

Renate Lorentz
‘The Right to Opacity: Detour and deferral in artistic research’
Keynote lecture, Friday 30 January, 13.30, Svarta Havet

Renate Lorenz is an artist and cultural scientist, mostly in the fields of Art and Queer Theory. She shows her artwork internationally (together with Pauline Boudry), e.g. at the 54. Venice Biennial (2011), at the Paris Triennial (2012), at SLG and Tate Modern, London, at the CAPC Bordeaux, the Kunstverein Karlsruhe (all 2013) and CAFAM Beijing (2014). Her most recent english publications are ‘Queer Art’ (Transcript, 2012) and the artist book Aftershow (Sternberg 2014). She is Professor for art and research at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. www.boudry-lorenz.de

Tim Ingold
’The Art of Inquiry: Reflections of an Anthropologist’,
Keynote lecture, Friday 30 January, 14.30, Svarta Havet

Prof Tim Ingold is currently Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen. He has carried out ethnographic fieldwork among Saami and Finnish people in Lapland, and has written on comparative questions of environment, technology and social organisation in the circumpolar North, on the role of animals in human society, and on human ecology and evolutionary theory in anthropology, biology and history. More recently, he has explored the links between environmental perception and skilled practice. Ingold is currently writing and teaching on issues on the interface between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture. His latest book, ‘Making’, was published in 2013. 



Time: 26–30 January 2015, 9 am–6 pm
Place: Konstfack, T-bana Telefonplan

Magnus Ericsonmagnus.ericson@konstfack.se