Fine Arts

Researching into and through an artistic practice. A critical exploration of everyday life.

Reframing the encounter: From repressed colonial pile to a collaborative decolonial counter archive. (Cecilia Järdemar, The Swedish Research Council 2020-23). 

Art is a fundamentally critical, exploratory practice, able to make visible the hidden threads driving everyday practices and events. Research projects in Art adopt a critical vision on our societies, their history, on prevailing norms and possible future forms of coexistence. Through these projects, new knowledge is made available on the artistic practice itself, as well as on its intimate relation to our daily experiences.

In Art, the methodological starting point is our own artistic practice. Research explores the untried; new working methods are tested, and new forms of dialogue and cooperation between fields of knowledge are established. In an open and interdisciplinary dialogue, Art interacts with the Crafts' material tradition, but also with the humanities, social sciences and technological disciplines.

Research in Art at Konstfack has focused on the fields of Narrative Processes, Critical Sound Practices, Digital Media and Hacker Practices among other fields. Examples of ongoing research and PhD projects are Ett omformulerat möte: Från en bortglömd kolonial hög till ett gemensamt dekolonialt motarkiv (Cecilia Järdemar), Listening to the Displaced Vocal Body (Cara Tolmie), Visual Empire: Translations and Reproductions (Jacqueline Hoang Nguyen) and Landscape of Imagination (Behzad Khosravi).