A selection of lectures and presentations from Konstfack Research Week 29 January - 3 February 2017.
Monday 30 January
Welcome and introduction to Konstfack Research Week by Maria Lantz
"Introducing Research" – A Brief Overview of Organisation, Finance and Politics of Research in Sweden and Europe
Presentation by Magnus Mörck
PROGRAM PERSPECTIVES: To Cut the Bean Open — Modes and Strategies within Artistic Research
Presentation by Magnus Bärtås
PROGRAM PERSPECTIVES: Research Through Design
Presentation by Bo Westerlund
PROGRAM PERSPECTIVES: The Need for Practice Based Research in the Field of Visual Communication
Presentation by Johanna Lewengard, Joanna Rubin and Moa Matthis
Presentation by Ulrika Karlsson
Presentation by Anders Ljungberg
PROGRAM PERSPECTIVES: Visual Culture and Learning für alle!
Presentation by Ulla Lind and Anette Göthlund
"The Trial" – On the Tedious and Fascinating Research Around the Re-staging of the Operaist Trial
Presentation by CuratorLab
At The End Someone Has to Say It - The Violence in Public Speech in Relation to "The Trial"
Lecture by Michele Masucci
Tuesday 31 January
The Material and Design Politics of Movement
Lecture by Mahmoud Keshavarz, introduction by Bo Westerlund
Wednesday 1 February
What does history do?
Introduction by Christina Zetterlund
What does history do?
Presentation dialogue with Christina Zetterlund and Michael Barrett
What does history do?
Presentation dialogue with Rikard Heberling and Johanna Lewengard
What does history do?
Presentation dialogue with Tor Lindstrand and Håkan Nilsson
What does history do?
Presentation dialogue with Thomas Laurien and Johanna Rosenqvist
What does history do?
Q&A with Christina Zetterlund, Johanna Rosenqvist, Michael Barrett, Håkan Nilsson, Rikard Heberling, Johanna Lewengard, Thomas Laurien and Tor Lindstrand
Male Fantasies and the Far Right
Lecture by Ana Teixeira Pinto, introduction by Joanna Warzsa
Formation of gaze within an institutional craft setting
Dialogue between Ulla Lind and Camilla Gåfvels
Design for Sustainable Co-Creation/Back to the Land 2.0
Presentation by Cheryl Akner-Koler
Symbiotic Tactics
Presentation by Martin Avila
Thursday 2 February
Impasse Finesse Neverness (the Course Formerly Known as Immediate Archæologies), part 1
Presentations by Luis Rafael Berríos-Negrón and Master’s students
Impasse Finesse Neverness (the Course Formerly Known as Immediate Archæologies), part 2
Presentations by Luis Rafael Berríos-Negrón and Master’s students
Impasse Finesse Neverness (the Course Formerly Known as Immediate Archæologies), part 3
Presentations by Luis Rafael Berríos-Negrón and Master’s students
The Stubborn Life of Objects
Lecture by Yuka Oyama
A Massive Loss of Habitat: Explaining the New Migrations
Lecture by Saskia Sassen, introduction by Maria Lantz
Friday 3 February
Aesthetic Journalism: the Uncertain Domains of Information, Communication and Aesthetics'
Lecture by Alfredo Cramerotti, introduction by Magnus Bärtås