Other library catalogues

Houses under construction

Swedish library catalogues

LIBRIS - Joint catalogue for Swedish academic and research libraries

Stockholm Public Library - The City library and all its affiliates in Stockholm

Legimus - Audio books, e-text books etc. from the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM

Catalogues search Stockholm County - Common search portal for all the libraries in Stockholm County

Map of libraries in Stockholm County

International library catalogues

Art Discovery Group Catalogue (WorldCat) - Simultaneous search in some 60 international Art Library Catalogues in WorldCat. Access to approximately 1,900 databases and millions of jour­nal articles and e-books.

WorldCat - (OCLC) Look through 1.5 billion books, music items, articles etc. in around 12,000 libraries around the world, in one search. It is also possible to see in which library the item is located, however, not in Swedish libraries.