Electronic and print journals
The library subscribes to approximately 120 print journals and has access to more than 5 000 electronic journals.

Electronic journals
Academic Search Premier - Access to more than 4,700 academic e-journals in various subjects
Art and Architecture Source - Almost 1000 e-journals in art, design and architecture
JSTOR - Older journals and magazines in the humanities & social sciences
Taylor & Francis - Access to more than 2000 e-journals in the humanities & social sciences

Remote Access
As a student or member of staff at Konstfack, you can access our e-journals through remote access by using the links above and logging in using your network username and password. If you are already on location at Konstfack, no login is required.

Other e-journals
Directory of Open Access Journals A directory of more than 1000 free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. (Free access)