Welcome to the library!

Information for new Konstfack students.

Library panorama

As a Konstfack student, you have privileged access to the library. Outside of our opening hours you have access to the library the whole day, until 9 pm, Monday-Thursday, with your key tag. On Fridays we close at 3 pm, and the library is closed during the weekends.

Library card

To start borrowing books you need a library card! You begin by filling in a form on the web. When you come to the library you collect your library card by showing your id. More information about loans, lending rules etc.

When you have collected your library card you can borrow books yourself in the lending machine, where you can also return books. You can find books, journals, films etc. by searching the catalogue. Mandatory course literature is kept in a special section opposite the information desk.


Electronic material

Besides books and journals the library offers a large amount of electronic resources available through our website. These include electronic journals and e-books, as well as databases making it easier to find articles in our journals. You can also access these resources from home. See more information here.


Talking books

If you have a reading impairment you are entitled to course literature in an accessible form. Reading impairments include reading disorder, visual impairment, impaired mobility, autism, ADHD or other conditions that make it difficult to read written text. Contact the library and we will help you to get started!


Library instruction and study support

All new students get an introduction to searching for information, along with a guided tour of the library. When group sizes make this difficult, in view of the corona pandemic, the introduction will be carried out online, with a virtual tour of the library. If you have been on a guided tour on-site you can of course also use the virtual tour to refresh your memory afterwards. The library’s video tutorials can be found here.

The library also has a study support workshop, which, among other things, can help you with your writing assignments. You can get help with getting started with your writing, structuring your text, getting feedback on your text before handing it in, or help interpreting the instructions of an assignment. The study support workshop gives lectures and offers individual tutorials, on-site or online.

You can also turn to the library for support for the learning platform Canvas and the video conference system Zoom. Many questions are answered on the website.