Transmundane Confusion — Sebastian Gatz
Datum och tid
16 februari 2024 kl 12:00 - 10 mars 2024 kl 16:00
Plats och färdväg
Galleri Konstepidemin / Pannrummet
Konstepidemins väg 6

All the works in the exhibition thematizes, in one way or another, spiritual confusion. The West – hungry for spiritual growth / tired of an over-rational scientism which borders on the irrational itself – looks to the East and to its own pre-Christian past in order to find new modes of being.
Somehow trapped in between new (old) ontologies and its current own capitalist-centric mind frame, the spiritual path of the contemporary truth seeker is filled with almost comical tripping stones.
One good example of this is Christmas: part Christian, part pagan, part Coca Cola, part spiritual, part commercial. The here proposed works are tongue-in-cheek references to a multifaceted spiritual memory, which is part ours and part someone else's. They engage the architectural, the ready-made and found, the commercial and the technological in order to emphasize our entangled and complex status quo.
Sebastian Gatz is an architect, artist and trained car mechanic, who works at the intersection of art, architecture and technology. Currently he is doing a PhD in Fine Arts in the subject design at Konstfack in Stockholm and the University of Gothenburg (HDK-Valand). His research combines ficto-critical and posthuman methods to explore human-nature-technology relationships. He has an interest in experimental metaphysics, degrowth practices and digital fabrication. Previously he worked and taught at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts at the Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in Copenhagen, where he worked with Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Fabrication and Robot-Plant-Hybrids.