Lisbon International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery – BA and MA Jewellery and Corpus students

Datum och tid
28 juni 2024 kl 17:00 - 21 juli 2024 kl 17:00
Plats och färdväg

Arco – Center for Art and Visual Communication
Lisbon, Portugal

"Precious war" by Love Olsson, 2024. Photo: Christian Habetzeder

Students from Konstfack's BA and MA Jewellery and Corpus programmes, participate in an exhibition at Arco – Center for Art and Visual Communication.

The exhibition is part of the official program of the second edition of the Lisbon International Biennial of Contemporary Jewellery, with the theme: “Political Jewellery. Jewels of Power” and the title Madrugada, inspired by a famous poem by Sophia de Melo Breyner (in English, Daybreak).

Beatrice Brovia and Agnieszka

Kandidatprogrammet Smycke och corpus: Ädellab, Masterprogrammet CRAFT - Ädellab