Explorations: Future food product-service systems in 2060
Datum och tid
5 november 2024 kl 09:15 - 6 november 2024 kl 18:30
Typ av händelse
Plats och färdväg
S1, S2, S5, S6, S8, S9
Students from the first year master’s programme Design Ecologies have developed design propositions for food product-service systems for the future.
Departing from signals and trends as indicators suggesting possible future social, technological, environmental, and cultural developments and changes, the students have developed scenarios speculating upon futures where a 1.5 respectively 3 degrees increase in global average temperature has become reality.
Guided by ecoliteracy principles each student has, in the form of four physical artifacts, explored both technocentric- and ecocentric solutions answering to these future scenarios and conditions. By making design experiments, exploring signals to imagine alternative futures, a space of alternative possibilities appears, allowing for new insights into how things could be designed differently and what preferable practices may be envisioned.
This module is the first phase of the Vinnova funded project “Degrees of a school lunch 2060”, that the master’s program Design Ecologies carry out in collaboration with Beteendelabbet and WWF. The project questions of what school restaurants and food could look like in the year 2060, depending on if we keep within the boundaries of a 1,5° rise in global temperatures, or if we fail and land at 3°. The results will be displayed in an interactive traveling exhibition shown at Universeum in Gothenburg, schools in Helsingborg, and in connection with the Stockholm Furniture Fair.
Masterprogrammet Design Ecologies