Martín Ávila at the Croatian pavilion in the Architectural Biennale, Venice

Datum och tid
19 maj 2023 kl 11:00 - 13:00
Typ av händelse
Plats och färdväg


Professor Martín Ávila will participate in the kick-off discussion at the Croatian pavilion in the 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.

The discussion will address challenges, future paths and the transformative potential of design and architectural education.

The Croatian pavilion is an ode to ambiances of coexistence of the wild and the domesticated, natural and fabricated, inanimate and living. It originates from the Lonja wetlands in which dynamic environments evolved from centuries of symbioses between a landscape in constant flux and communities adapting their lives to it. It documents the slowness of natural change, perspectives of plants and animals, looking in the opposite direction of inevitable crises.

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