Johanna Enger lectures at international course on architecture and neuroscience
Datum och tid
5 april 2023 kl 10:00 - 11:30
Typ av händelse
Plats och färdväg
ForA Foro Arquitectura
C. Mexicaltzingo 2208
Col Americana, Obrera
44140 Guadalajara, Jal.
Senior Lecturer in Lighting Design Johanna Enger gives a lecture on lighting design, visual perception and her research project Perceptual Metrics for Lighting Design at the international and interdisciplinary course Moving Boundaries in Guadalajara, Mexico.
From the Moving Boundaries course program
Our buildings, neighborhoods, and cities directly impact our health and well-being. This basic fact is appreciated increasingly across the full range of professions involved in the design and maintenance of the built environment. At the same time, we know little about how the relationship between people and environments works in detail: how exactly our experience and behavior, our emotions and engagement in the community, are all shaped by the built environment.
A number of scientific disciplines have been called to help us fill this gap. Most notably, they include the disciplines allied under the umbrellas of neuroscience and cognitive science. Encounters between scientists and design professionals produce an exciting new frontier of human knowledge; they lead to a new understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the designer.