Inaugural lectures by Konstfack’s three newly appointed professors

Datum och tid
24 januari 2023 kl 16:00 - 18:00
Typ av händelse
Plats och färdväg

Svarta havet
Konstfack, LM Ericssons väg 14, Stockholm (Se karta)
Färdväg: Tunnelbana eller buss till Telefonplan

Lina Selander, Patrick Lacey and Maja Gunn present inaugural lectures about their practices.

16:00 – 16:20

Maria Lantz, Vice Chancellor


16:20 – 16:50
The Weight of Images
Lina Selander

Photo: Lars Ernholm

Lina Selander will talk about how relations between historical record and visual representation can be inves-tigated through the work with film, and about the challenges and difficulties in the re-use of a historically charged material, as well as some strategies to make it work. The lecture will give some examples of how to work with a material marked by collective, often disputed, memory and experience. It will briefly discuss history as taking form in images, and tentatively address this question of temporalities of the image from the perspective (or practice) of image and video editing. The film montage instigates new historical connections by engaging shifts and continuities, both on the level of representation and media technology. It can be understood as a violent and political act, if the historical event (past or present), finds the material, or vice versa: to edit, to cut, to divide and conquer.

Lina Selander is Professor in fine arts with emphasis on narrativity and installation. Her professional activities include exhibitions, public commissions and publishing. Previous solo exhibitions at Galleria Tiziana Di Caro, Napels, Kunsthaus Wien – Museum Hundertwasser, Argos Centre for Art and Media in Brussels, VOX – Centre de l’image contemporaine, Montréal, Iniva (Insti-tute of International Visual Arts) in London, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, and Göteborgs Konsthall as well as the solo shows at the Venice Biennale and at the Kiev Biennale, Media City Soul Biennale and Manifesta in Genk, Belgium. Lina Selander is a professor at the Art department at Konstfack since July 2022.


16:50 – 17:00


17:00 – 17:30
Learning from the tick
Patrick Lacey

There is a parasitic/symbiotic aspect to graphic design, a relational rather than discrete practice that through association creates new forms. Even if it has roots in physical technologies such as photography, printing and metal type, graphic design is not so corporeal, rather it’s amorphous, like a gas or cloud that gains form when it makes connections with other disciplines, processes, people, organisations, events and knowledge. A supra subject that has the potential (if only through the graphic designers practice) to assemble, frame and unite. In this inaugural lecture Patrick Lacey will talk about some recent parasitical adventures, ephemera, failures and learned lessons.

Patrick Lacey is Professor of graphic design at Konstfack and IUAV (IT) and part of Åbäke, a transdisciplinary graphic design collective, founded in 2000 by Patrick Lacey (UK), Benjamin Reichen (FR), Kajsa Ståhl (SE) and Maki Suzuki (FR) in London, England, after meeting at the Royal College of Art.


17:30 – 18:00
Craft! Textiles! Body! <3!
Maja Gunn

Photo: Patrick Miller

A lecture that ranges from the carnival, via queer clubs, dance costumes, textile sculptures and fashion, to embodied living environment, locker rooms and uniforms. About performances, desires and norms. Maja Gunn’s artistic practice and research, together with pedagogical examples, will be described.

Since April 2022, Maja Gunn is a Professor of craft with a specialization in textiles at Konstfack. She has previously worked as a professor at HDK-Valand at the University of Gothenburg. Her work includes craft, art, architecture, fashion and costume for theater and film. Maja Gunn has an MFA from Textiles, Konstfack, a Master’s degree in fashion studies from Stockholm Uni-versity and a PhD in design from the Swedish School of Textiles. She is currently in an exhibition at the Fresno Art Museum in the USA (July 2022 – Jan 2023); costume designer for the dance performance Astronaut for the Gothenburg Opera’s dance company; and one of the authors of the book "MultiWeave A Way to Weave" (Pajupuu, 2022).

Emelie Bergslä
