Film + Panel Discussion: Good Life
Datum och tid
7 november 2023 kl 18:00 - 21:00
Typ av händelse
Plats och färdväg
Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus
Riksdalervägen 2
Warmly welcome to the screening of the documentary film "Good Life".
After the film there will be a panel discussion with the director Marta Dauliūtė, urbanist Miguel Robles-Durán, architect and Konstfack senior lecturer Tor Lindstrand and sociologist Majsa Allelin, about spaces of neoliberalism and entrepreneurial futures. Introduction and moderation by Elof Hellström and Magnus Ericson.
6 pm Soup at Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus, the cafeteria
7 pm Film Screening: Good Life
8:15 pm Panel talk
After the panel talk time for informal conversations and mingle.
Kungl. Konsthögskolan