Konstfack's Systematic Quality Work

Konstfack's quality assurance systems for first-cycle and second-cycles courses and study programmes was developed in 2016 and began to be implemented during 2017. The new quality assurance system secures that Konstfack follows national laws and regulations. It also assures that Konstfack meets European standards and guidelines for quality in higher education (ESG). Quality work is integrated into all operations at all levels and is based on our university-wide governance documents. The systematic quality work is based on four steps: information gathering, analysis, development, and implementation. Quality work is ongoing and contributes to the continuous development of our business.

Konstfack's quality system is based partly on regular follow-ups of the educational activities, partly on recurring educational evaluations with an external eye, but also not least on a systematic experience exchange between the education programs. Konstfack also works actively to ensure student influence in all parts and levels of the systematic quality work.      


Quality Council

At Konstfack there is a quality council whose overall task is to strengthen Konstfack’s quality work and to anchor it in all operations.

The Quality Council's mission is to:

• contribute to the development of Konstfack’s coherent quality system and support its implementation in Konstfack’s operations,

• through their varied competences, contribute to an open dialogue and a greater understanding between educational and administrative activities,

• function a reference group for projects related to the development of Konstfack’s quality assurance processes,

• contribute to the preparation of questions regarding Konstfack’s quality policy.

The Quality Council consist of the Vice-Rector, Heads of the departments, the Head of the Education and Research Administration Department (UFA), the Quality Work Officer, and student representatives.


Konstfack’s Central Quality Aspects

In addition to the reference frameworks related to quality that are statutory by the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance, Konstfack particularly strives for a number of quality aspects. These aspects have been assessed as both being of particular importance for artistic education, as well as being specifically important for Konstfack. The quality aspects primarily relate to two general themes: the outline, implementation and outcomes of the programs; as well as environment and resources. As far as the former is concerned, it focuses on issues related to educational content, teaching and examination are concerned. The latter theme focuses on resources in the teaching staff and the physical environment, as well as various support functions.


Good Practice

As part of the work to disseminate and let the university's quality system permeate all levels of Konstfack’s activities, Konstfack employs a "good practice" system. These good examples are highlighted in connection to the educational follow-ups that take place every three years and are intended to serve as a component in the communication and dissemination of the quality work throughout the organization. The good examples are presented in the form of seminars where the educational programs themselves present their work. The purpose of highlighting the good examples is both to ensure that the programs have prerequisites for good quality in their respective education programs, as well as to create a forum for dialogue and inspiration. Through the work with the good examples, student influence is also ensured as an active part of the quality work.


The Cycles of the Quality Work

Continuous Quality Work

Work on educational- and course plans, and course evaluations takes place continuously over the year at Konstfack. It is the Education- and Research Committee (UFN) who is responsible for following up and reviewing the programs systematically.

1-year cycle

Every year, information on quality indicators is collected. The primary quality indicators relate to application statistics and the quality of education; internationalization; graduation rate; teacher resources, gender equality perspectives, and connection to research. This information also function as the basis for the educational follow-ups that are conducted every three years.

3-year cycle

Every three years, educational follow-ups are made according to a timetable established by the Vice-Chancellor. This follow-up is based on the yearly quality indicator information and a self-evaluation made by the department in question. In the self-evaluation, the department itself analyzes their strengths and areas for potential development of the programs in relation to the central quality aspects.

6-year cycle

All education programs at Konstfack are reviewed every six years with the help of external assessors. The foci of these evaluations are, in accordance with Konstfack’s central quality aspect; results, goal fulfillment, and environmental-related aspects. The assessment committee consists of external peers, professionals, teacher representatives from another main field of study within Konstfack, as well as student representatives. The overall assessment from the committee is submitted to the UFN, who then decides on how to proceed