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15-24 May, Konstfack and Färgfabriken
The Degree Exhibition 2024 is arranged as one gigantic group exhibition where works by bachelor's, master's and teacher education students are exhibited together in Konstfack's spaces 15-24 May. One exception is the Fine Art master's students exhibit at Färgfabriken from 16 to 24 May.
Konstfack Degree Exhibition 2024
16-24 May, Färgfabriken, Stockholm
As part of Konstfack’s Degree Exhibition 2024, master’s students from the Fine Art programme present their works at Färgfabriken
Konstfack at Färgfabriken
3-5 May, Kårgalleriet, Konstfack
Ettorna på mastern i visuell kommunikation på Konstfack ställer ut ett stycke ur sin arbetsprocess. Från fängslande illustrationer till interaktiva installationer visar denna utställning en mängd olika tekniker och teman inom fältet visuell kommunikation.
Halfway there
3 May, at 1-3 pm, E1, Konstfack
A research seminar about artistic practice, participatory approaches and dialogues with Professors Maja Gunn and Anders Ljungberg.
Jug looking for new views #2
Call for Workshop Scholarships 2024–2025 Graphic Design and Illustration (BA programme) and Visual Communication (MA programme) at Konstfack are announcing two workshop scholarships for professionals in the field. The deadline for application is 10 May 2024.
Call for abstracts on Environmental Learning The research project "A full loop of performance" arranges a conference on the topic "Learnings/Unlearnings: Environmental Pedagogies, Play, Policies, and Spatial Design" in September. Deadline for abstracts is 15 May 2024.
16 May - 10 June, Sergels torg
, Stockholm
A group exhibition featuring first-year students from the Master's programme in Fine Art.
Hot Box – MFA1
30 May, Haxthäuser Hof, Germany
This talk centers around the question of: What shifts when we decenter the object and consider it as material. How does this position animate histories, create narratives and shift the ways we think of mastery, craft, materiality and capitalistic consumption.
matt lambert lecture at Haxthäuder Hof Jewellery Symposium
Nina Lykke Watch Nina Lykke's lecture from 15 February 2024.
Successful typography by alumni Taurai Valerie Mtake Congratulations to Konstfack Visual Communication alumni Taurai Valerie Mtake whose typeface Madimi One has been published by Google Fonts.
26 March - 8 May, Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library, Solna
Alumni from the Bachelor's programme Jewellery and Corpus: Ädellab participate in this group exhibition at Hagströmerbiblioteket, co-curated by senior lecturer Beatrice Brovia together with Nicolas Cheng.
Toxic Transits exhibition
9 March - 8 September, Norrköpings Konstmuseum
The artists, Magnus Bärtås, Cecilia Germain, Ida Idaida and Isak Sundström relate to The Archives for the Unexplained material and share the Archives's basic premise of not automatically dismissing unexplained phenomena without examining them.
Earth shadow – The Archives for the Unexplained
PhD Candidates After four doctoral positions in Konstfack’s doctoral education on the subject of “Artistic Practice in Visual, Applied and Spatial Arts” were announced in the autumn, our first PhD admissions have taken place.
2 March - 5 May, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Norway
The exhibition explores how craft materialises possible realities. Agnieszka Knap, senior lecturer in craft at Konstfack, participates in the exhibition.
Down In The Mines, Up In The Clouds
Konstfack Alumni
Konstfack Alumni
Konstfack Alumni is a network including approximately 1800 artists, designers, pedagogues and curators, all of them with a degree from Konstfack.

Updated: 19 April 2024